
Direct-to-garment printing is a fast and easy way to provide individualized custom designs printed onto a garment. With the rise in necessity to ware face masks, get ahead of the competition and print custom face masks.

Lawson offers three (3) different pallet sizes for the Epson DTG printers to print face masks. The three options are the Lay Flat, Universal, and Curved or Fitted platens.

The Lay flat platen has a 3.5 inch by - 5.5 inch printing area. It is used to print any mask that lays flat, such as a vapor mask, or gaiter.

The Universal DTG platen prints 3 inch by 3 inch (3"x3"). It is called the universal mask platen because it can print on any mask. Use this pallet for small prints. For example, to print logos, brand names, or school names.

Lastly, the Curved or Fitted platen for masks with seams. Designed with a special hold down, pull the mask over the platen and tuck in under the platens hold down to print masks with seams. This platen is not designed to print on masks with metal or plastic pieces in the bridge of the nose.

Click here to buy a Lawson Epson DTG Printer Face Mask Platen or here to watch How-To Print on Face Masks with the Epson F2100 with the Lawson Face Mask Platen. Make sure to remember to pretreat your mask first, and to fully cure the pretreat solution and DTG ink afterwards. For any additional questions please contact us at 314.382.9300 or email us.